Sugar free… Risk free …????

Who in this whole world don’t like sugar in food items, or a cup of coffee or a cup of tea? If somebody avoids it may be because of fear of getting diabetes or have diabetes. And for this group it’s a great bless that they have in the market lots of sugar free sweeteners and so called glucose free sugar and sweeteners.

Saccharin is an artificial sweetener which was founded by 1879. The basic substance, benzoic sulfimide, has effectively no food energy and is much sweeter than sucrose, but has an unpleasant bitter or metallic aftertaste, especially at high concentrations. In countries where saccharin is allowed as a food additive, it is used to sweeten products such as drinks, candies, medicines, and toothpaste.

Including Saccharin there are more than 6 types of preservatives and artificial sugar used in US.

Saccharin, Aspartame, Sucrose, Neotame, Acesulfame potassium, Stevia is other forms mainly used for production of sugar free sweeteners.

Not only in Tea and coffee its used extensively nowadays in Cakes, Soft drinks and more than 4000 food products which need sugar and which is replaced with this thus helping in reduction of overweight and to curb on increase in blood sugar as bless to category who cannot go for natural or common sugar.

But these artificial sources have attracted side effects and new found outs were shocking and here are some of them.

  • It’s said that food items/drinks with artificial sugar actually increases more weight and obesity than helping in curbing it.
  • Endocrine Society of Washington has conducted study for years on this and comes out shocking information that the usage of artificial sugar can induce resistance to insulin and increase blood sugar slowly. It increases blood sugar in stomach and slowly it take to state of diabetes.
  • When sugar enters the stomach cells in stomach produces a hormone named Incertin which is produced by Enteroendocrine cells,but when we use artificial sweetener sugar the tongues taste sensitive cells takes it as normal sugar and as a result Enteroendocrine cells produces the Incertin ,as due to this pseudo sugar it paves the wave for unwanted Glucose metabolism in stomach.
  • Intake of food items with these gives brains a wrong message that the food is not adequate and thus results in over consumption and thus resulting in obesity and which ultimatly paves way for increase sugar and diabetes. It’s said that this in prolong, multiplies the chances of diabetes 2 times more than normal intake.

Some Precaution and steps which you follow to remain healthy with these are as follows-

  • Decrease the intake of artificial sweeteners and don’t make it your daily routine.
  • Sugar or Glucoses or related items in what ever cause and conditions if take in excess can induce over weight and will increase the chances or rather pave ways for diabetes .
  • Artificial sugar consuming people are not susceptible for any major disease or bad health state but the new findings promote us to curb the use or to control it to avoid future health hazards.

Your health is your wealth keep in mind!!!


Information here is for referal and it cannot be taken as strong note on this subject.Please visit the concern people in order to get more information.And please do comment/rate this article. 🙂

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